Saturday, August 18, 2012

REST API Best Practices

Base Url's
Only 2 base urls 1) collection & 2) singular

Use nouns & not verbs
/deals  - Groupon
/checkins - Foursquare

// do not have getDogs / getDogById
use HTTP Methods GET, POST, PUT, DELETE to define CRUD operations

How to handle associations
Get all dogs belonging to a owner 5678
eg: GET /owners/5678/dogs

Create a new new dog for a specific owner
eg: POST /owners/5678/dogs

Additional / optional parameters
GET /owners/5678/dogs?color=red&type=pet

  1. code : use HTTP status codes
  2. message : have message
  3. more_info : have url for error docs; get more context; get help
  • have version at the start, do not have it in the middle 
  • have highest level scope as much to the left as possible
Note: Do not release an API without versioning
why? FB moved from v1.2 to v1.3 and all apps supporting v1.2 broke

Partial Response
  • If you only want some fields out of the whole data - want only id, name, type from an entire list of data
LinkedIn -> /people:(id,first-name,last-name,industry)
Facebook -> /saumilps/friends?fields=id,name,picture

  • have an offset & limit

Spit more than one format
  • /dogs.json
  • /dog/1234.json
  • Accept: application/json (pure RESTful way / in the header)
  • ?type=json

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