Saturday, August 18, 2012

Calculate vertical sum of a Binary Tree

Vertical sums of a binary tree are the sum of its each vertical column. For e.g. consider the below tree,

             /        \
          3            8
         /  \          /    \
       2     4      6     9

Vertical Sum for first column: 2
Vertical Sum for second column: 3
Vertical Sum for third column: 15 (5+4+6)
Vertical Sum for fourth column: 8
Vertical Sum for fifth column: 9

Output: 2 3 15 8 9

- start from root and hash its value in a map using a key, say, 'key_col'
- recursively hash left and right children with key value 'key_col-1' and 'key_col+1'
- if the key entry is not present in the hash map then create one and set value as 'root->data'
- if the key entry is already present then just add 'root->data' to the existing value

In the end, we have vertical sum stored in the hash map. Here is the code,

void mapNode(struct node* root, map& m, int col)
    if(root == NULL)
    map::iterator it = m.find(col);

    //if column is already mapped and map already
    //has some value stored for the column then
    //add root->data to already stored value, otherwise,
    //just store root->data.
    if(it == m.end())
        m.insert(pair(col, root->data));
        it->second += root->data;

    mapNode(root->left, m, col-1);
    mapNode(root->right, m, col+1);

int main()
    struct node *root=NULL;
    map m;
    map::iterator iter;

    insert(&root, 50);
    insert(&root, 25);
    insert(&root, 100);
    insert(&root, 30);
    insert(&root, 20);
    insert(&root, 75);

    mapNode(root, m, 0);

    for(iter = m.begin(); iter != m.end(); iter++)
        printf("%d ", iter->second);


    return 0;

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